21 Months Developmental Milestones
At 21 months, assess your toddler's development and milestones. This includes a thorough evaluation of physical attributes, motor and visual skills, and social and emotional behaviors. It is essential to understand and keep an eye on the 21 months developmental milestones for your toddler's overall wellbeing and to provide the right kind of support for their ongoing development. By monitoring and evaluating these developmental milestones, you can gain important insights into your child's journey from fine motor skills to social interactions, enabling you to support and mentor them through this critical early stage.
At 21 months, toddlers typically exhibit exciting developmental milestones. They begin to express their needs more explicitly, asking for food, toys, and familiar items. You may observe spontaneous noun and verb combinations in their speech, like saying 'eat cracker.' Additionally, they grasp the concept of using the word 'yes.' Moreover, cognitive abilities start to emerge as they engage in deductive reasoning. This means they can apply principles learned earlier to new situations. For instance, your toddler might pull a chair over to reach something previously out of their grasp. These 21 months developmental milestones reflect the growing cognitive, linguistic, and problem-solving skills in your child's developmental journey.
Mental Development of 21 month old child
- Ask for food, toys and other familiar items
- Make spontaneous noun and verb combinations, such as "eat cracker"
- Know how to use the word "yes"
- Start to use deductive reasoning, which is the ability to apply a principle learned previously to a new situation. For example, she might pull a chair over if she is going to try to get something that is out of her reach
Visual Development of 21 month old child
- Be able to focus on objects near and far
Growth of 21 month old child
- Weigh about 11.6 kg (girl) or about 12.2 kg (boy)
- Be about 83 cm in height (girl) or about 85 cm in height (boy)
Motor Development of 21 month old child
- Take off an article of clothing
- Fold paper in imitation of someone else's actions
- Put things together
Social and Emotional Development of 21 month old child
- Pull another person along to show him something
- Be very self-centered
- Express his feelings more frequently, both verbally and through negative behavior
Toddler Development Tracker details are provided to give indications on the expected changes during different months, however, these changes varies from child to child and the mother needs to consult her child's doctor, if she has any concerns.