Illuma 3 Milk - For Your Child's Growth and Development
Illuma Milk - Nourishing Your Child's Growth and Development
Children are vulnerable to infection during early childhood because their immune systems are not yet fully developed.1 The early years are an important time of growth and development2–4, and as a parent you will want to boost your child’s immunity at this critical time. Nutrition is one way you can do this.
A healthy gut contributes to a healthy immune system5, which means that by providing proper nutrition you can strengthen your child’s immunity, and give them the inner defenses they need to combat infections and grow up strong and healthy.6
ILLUMA® provides nutrition that is closer to nature with breakthrough innovations in all three major nutrient groups—carbohydrates, fats and proteins—to provide stronger immunity along with healthy digestion and growth.7–18

The bioactive+ complex in illuma® 3 is a combination of three molecular structures found in mother’s milk; incorporating human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs: a family of complex milk sugars)20, sn-2 palmitate (body-friendly fat molecular structure)21, and alphalactalbumin (alpha-protein, the predominant human whey protein).22
The HMOs in Illuma® are also a breakthrough in their class, since they represent not just one, but all three families of HMOs.7,23,24 This means your baby will benefit from each type of HMO, maximizing their immune protection in the vulnerable early years of life.8,11,12,20,25,26
*Bioactive+ Complex: 2’-fucosyllactose (2’-FL), Lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT), Milk-derived oligosaccharides, sn-2 palmitate and Alpha-lactalbumin.


- Less lung and gut infections.12,14
- Reduced use of antibuotics.12
- Healthy growth.10

- Stronger, healthier bones.9,15
- Better sleep.17
- Softer stools that are easier to pass.15

- Better digestion.22
- Gentle on the tummy.28
- Healthy growth.18
Lactose29 .
- Improves digestion of minerals such as calcium.
- Supports the growth of good bacteria in the gut (prebiotic activity).
- Provides natural sweetness.
- Low glycemic index
- Can trigger hypersensitivity to sweetness.
- Linked to childhood obesity.
- Baby bottle decay and dental caries.
HOW TO PREPARE? Follow these easy mixing instructions for recommended serving size.
Prepare illuma® 3 using only the enclosed scoop.
ILLUMA® 3 Per serving size 150ml / 3 servings per day.

Unboiled water or incorrect dilution can make your child ill. Incorrect storage, handling, preparation and feeding can potentially lead to adverse eects on the health of your child.
Prepare only one serving at a time and follow the instructions exactly. Make sure your child consumes the milk immediately. Do not keep unfinished milk, discard the contents.
Using more or less powder than indicated could either lead to dehydration or deprive your child of proper nutrition. Do not change proportions without medical advice.

As a parent, you want to know that you are doing all you can for your child’s future. Illuma® 3 is proud to support you in this mission. Only Illuma® 3 oers all new sustainable and modern packaging for improved consumer confidence.
- Tamper-proof domed lid
- User-friendly spoon docking after first use
- Material identification included on the lid
- ‘Unlocked’ laser coding for clear indication
- Inner and outer sealing to preserve quality
- Pre-cut on lid for easy lid removal for recycling
- Packaging designed to be recyclable
- Reduced carbon emission from our factories
Locator loading...
References: 1. Simon AK, Hollander GA, McMichael A. Evolution of the immune system in humans from infancy to old age. Proc R Soc B Biol Sci. 2015;282(1821). doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.3085 2. UNICEF, WHO. Facts for Life | UNICEF.; 2010. Accessed October 27, 2021. https://www.unicef.org/reports/facts-for-life 3. Bier D. Growth in the first two years of life. In: Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series: Pediatric Program. Vol 61. Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Pediatr Program; 2008:135-142. doi:10.1159/000113364 4. Huelke DF. An Overview of Anatomical Considerations of Infants and Children in the Adult World of Automobile Safety Design. Annu Proc / Assoc Adv Automot Med. 1998;42:93. Accessed October 3, 2021. /pmc/articles/PMC3400202/ 5. Tanaka M, Nakayama J. Development of the gut microbiota in infancy and its impact on health in later life. Allergol Int. 2017;66(4):515-522. doi:10.1016/j.alit.2017.07.010 6. Jones KDJ, Berkley JA, Warner JO. Perinatal nutrition and immunity to infection. 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Eect of an -lactalbumin-enriched infant formula with lower protein on growth. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011;65(2):167. doi:10.1038/EJCN.2010.236 19. Wyeth Nutrition. Market Research: Illuma Bioactive+ Complex Recipe vs. Competition Analysis, (KSA & UAE).; 2021. 20. Bode L. Human milk oligosaccharides: Every baby needs a sugar mama. Glycobiology. 2012;22(9):1147-1162. doi:10.1093/glycob/cws074 21. Havlicekova Z, Jesenak M, Banovcin P, Kuchta M. Beta-palmitate - A natural component of human milk in supplemental milk formulas. Nutr J. 2016;15(1). doi:10.1186/s12937-016-0145-1 22. Layman DK, Lönnerdal B, Fernstrom JD. Applications for a-lactalbumin in human nutrition. Nutr Rev. 2018;76(6):444-460. doi:10.1093/nutrit/nuy004 23. Hegar B, Wibowo Y, Basrowi RW, et al. The role of two human milk oligosaccharides, 2’-fucosyllactose and lacto-N-neotetraose, in infant nutrition. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2019;22(4):330-340. doi:10.5223/pghn.2019.22.4.330 24. Estorninos E, Lawenko RB, Palestroque E, Lebumfacil J, Marko M, Cercamondi CI. Infant formula containing bovine milk-derived oligosaccharides supports age-appropriate growth and improves stooling pattern. Pediatr Res. Published online 2021. doi:10.1038/s41390-021-01541-3 25. Kunz C, Rudlo S, Baier W, Klein N, Strobel S. Oligosaccharides in human milk: Structural, functional, and metabolic aspects. Annu Rev Nutr. 2000;20:699-722. 26. Newburg DS, Ruiz-Palacios GM, Morrow AL. Human milk glycans protect infants against enteric pathogens. Annu Rev Nutr. 2005;25:37-58. 27. Steenhout P, Sperisen P, Martin F-P, et al. Term Infant Formula Supplemented with Human Milk Oligosaccharides (2Fucosyllactose and Lacto-N-neotetraose) Shifts Stool Microbiota and Metabolic Signatures Closer to that of Breastfed Infants. FASEB J. 30:275.7-275.7. doi:10.1096/FASEBJ.30.1_SUPPLEMENT.275.7 28. 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Important Notice:
We believe that breastfeeding is the ideal nutritional start for babies, and we fully support the World Health Organizations recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life followed by the introduction of adequate nutritious complementary food along with continued breastfeeding up to years of age.
(S-26 GOLD 3, S-26 GOLD 4, S-26 Ultima 3, S-26 GOAT Milk 3, Illuma 3) is not a breast-milk substitute. We recommend that you speak to your healthcare professional about how to feed your baby and seek advice on when to introduce this product.