18 Month Old Milestones
Month 18
“Look mom, no hands I can walk on my own”
Look, I can pull this toy
With help I can
undress myself
Steps are fun but watch ME RUN

I can drink from a cup

I like to share and hand things to you for playtime
Uh oh, I’m having temper tantrums
Watch out, I may be afraid of strangers
But I’ll still show aection to familiar people
Let’s play pretend and feed dolly
I can say a few single words
Now I shake my head when I say “no”
I’m getting clingy to you in new situations
Look over there, I point to interesting things
I’m an explorer but still want my parents close by
Source: Milestone moments. 18 months. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/pdf/parents_pdfs/milestonemomentseng508.pdf.