20 Month Old Milestones
Month 20
“Try and keep up mom, I’m running now!”

I know what ordinary things are for (e.g. mobile, brush, spoon)
I can walk fast, run and even pull toys while walking
I’m starting to feel more emotions like anger, shame and excitement
Sorry, I’m deliberately doing what you’ve told me not to do
But I’m getting better at kicking & throwing a ball
My colouring is getting better, I can scribble with a pencil
My creation of structures with blocks are amazing

Reading is fun as I can name the things in books
I walk everywhere
Sometimes it’s fun to run
Did you notice? – I’m ready to be potty trained

Source 1: Development milestones - your child 18 to 24 months. Pregnancy Birth and Baby. Available at: https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/development-milestones-18-to-24-months.
Source 2: 18-24 months: toddler development. Raising Children.net. Available at: https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/development-milestones-18-to-24-months.