Month 4
Month 4
“I’m using and searching for my toys, and love your hugs and kisses”

I can hold my head steady, unsupported
My legs are strong and pushing down when I 'stand'
When I'm on my tummy I will try and roll over to my back
My toys are great, I can shake them and swiming at dangling ones
See my new trick I can bring hands to mouth
Look at me I can push myself up on my elbows

Now I can let you know if I am happy or sad
I love to respond to your hugs & kisses
My new skill is I can reach a toy with one hand
My hands and eyes work as a team, I see a toy and reach for it
Look at my eyes following moving things from side to side
Your faces are amazing to me so I watch closely
Every day I recognize more familiar people and things at a distance

Source: Milestone moments. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/pdf/parents_pdfs/MilestoneMomentsEng508.pdf.