The Importance of Stretching Exercises for Children
The Importance of Stretching Exercises for Children
For adults, exercise is mostly thought of as working out in a gym, running on a treadmill, or lifting weights.
For adults, exercise is mostly thought of as working out in a gym, running on a treadmill, or lifting weights. For kids, exercise is play and being physically active. Your kid exercises during recess, at dance class, playing sports, running around in the park, or riding his bike.
Regular exercise is good and important for your child. Kids who are active have stronger muscles and bones, have a leaner body, are less likely to become overweight, and have a better outlook on life. In addition to that, kids who exercise sleep better and are better equipped to handle physical and emotional challenges.
Being fit consists of three elements: endurance, strength, and flexibility. Kids can do a variety of activities to work on all three elements, like playing “it” to build endurance, play on the monkey bars for strength, and bend down to tie their shoes for flexibility.
Endurance develops when kids get aerobic activity. During aerobic exercise, the heart beats faster, strengthening it and improving the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to all its cells.
Strength comes from play that involves climbing, play wrestling, and doing specific exercises like handstands. For children, strength should not come from weightlifting, unless closely supervised by an experienced adult.
Flexibility allows muscles and joints to bend and move easily. Kids work on their flexibility every time they stretch to reach a toy or try doing a cartwheel.
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