Month 24
Month 24

I can complete sentences and rhymes in familiar books
I Show more and more independence
I Get excited when with I am with other children and I like to play with them
I can stand on my tiptoes
Let’s play - I can kick and run after the ball
Watch me climb onto and down from furniture without help
Now I can throw a ball overhand
When I draw I can copy lines and circles
If you name something I can point to it
I remember the names of familiar people and body parts
My sentences are getting longer with 2 to 4 words
Each day I can follow simple instructions
Be careful I overhear conversations and repeat the words
Storytime is fun as I can name the things in books

Source: Milestone moments. 2 years. Centers for disease control and prevention. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/pdf/parents_pdfs/milestonemomentseng508.pdf