Pregnancy Weeks 32 & 33
When your bump grows large, it's normal to start waddling. That's your body's way of compensating for carrying all that extra weight in the beginning.

Your Pregnancy Week 32
What is happening with your baby at pregnancy week 32?1,2
- By 32 weeks, the baby is normally lying with their head pointed downwards, preparing for birth. Cephalic presentation is the term for this.
- It's not a cause for alarm if your baby isn't lying head down at this point; there's still time for them to turn.
- Your baby is still consuming fluid and passing it out as pee, and the amount of amniotic fluid in your uterus is expanding.
How big is your baby?
Your baby is approximately the size of a kale leaf and the weight of a joint of beef.3
Your Body
- You'll gain about a kilogram per week over the next four weeks.3
- Your kid will gain weight as well, gaining about a kilogram of fat.
- The extra weight will assist your baby to maintain a healthy body temperature after birth, as it's quite simple for small bodies to become too hot or cold.
- Being active and in fit during pregnancy will assist you in adjusting to your altering shape and weight increase.1
- It can also assist you in coping with labor and regaining your fitness after the birth.
- It can also assist you in coping with labor and regaining your fitness after the birth.
Your Pregnancy Week 33
What is happening with your baby when you are 33 weeks pregnant?4
- The billions of developing neurons in your baby's brain are helping him or her learn about the in-utero world in these last weeks before delivery.
- Your baby can listen, feel, and even see somewhat. Your baby's eyes can detect light, and the pupils can constrict and dilate in response.
- Your infant sleeps a lot, like a newborn.
- The lungs of your baby are almost fully developed.
- For protection and warmth, fat will continue to accumulate on your baby's body.
- In the weeks leading up to delivery, babies gain a significant amount of weight.
How big is your baby?
- Your baby is approximately the size of pineapple and the weight of a laptop computer.5
Your Body5
- You may feel quite fatigued right now, which is understandable given that you're carrying an extra couple of kilos.
- Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as practice contractions, are a type of contraction that your womb may use to prepare for birth.
- These can feel like a 20-30 second tightening over your bump before the muscles relax. It shouldn't be a problem.
- If your contractions become painful or come at regular intervals, call your doctor or the hospital to see if you're about to give birth.
Tips for Tips for making your pregnancy better
In the bag: preparing for the birth5
- Babies develop at their own pace, and just 1 in every 20 will arrive on schedule. It could be a good idea to pack your luggage now, so you'll be ready to travel if your kid arrives early.
Put inside:
- your birth plan and hospital records
- baby's clothes and diapers
- anything loose and comfortable to wear during labor
- spare clothes and underwear
- nightclothes
- breast pads and nursing bras
- sanitary pads that are extremely absorbent,
- a towel and a wash bag
- wholesome munchies
- any prescription drugs
- NHS You and your baby at 32 weeks pregnant. Page last reviewed: 04.10.2021. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- Nemours KidsHealth. Parents: Week 32. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- NHS. Start 4 life. Week-by-week guide to pregnancy. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- Nemours KidsHealth. Parents: Week 33. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- NHS. Start 4 life. Week-by-week guide to pregnancy. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021