Pregnancy Weeks 34, 35 & 36
Remember to eat well, exercise gently, treat yourself with kindness, and relax when you can. Also, don't forget to keep your antenatal visits; they're crucial for both you and the baby, and will ensure that everything is running well on the big day.

Your Pregnancy Week 34
What is happening with your baby at pregnancy week 34?1,2
- Your baby's bones are continuing to harden, apart from the skull bones. These will remain soft and separated until after the birth to facilitate passage through the birth canal.
- The bones can slip and slide over each other, allowing the head to be delivered safely while protecting the brain.
How big is your baby?
Your baby is approximately the size of a school bag and the weight of a cantaloupe melon.3
Your Body3
- You might be feeling squashed on the inside... Alternatively, something magical could have occurred, and some of your pregnancy symptoms could have vanished almost instantly.
- This can occur when your baby moves his or her head down into the pelvis in a staged process known as 'engagement.'
- It makes more room in your abdomen and gives your lungs a rest, so if you've been feeling short of breath, this should help.
- It also relieves pressure on your stomach, which may cause the disappearance of symptoms such as heartburn.
- However, this does not mean that you are about to give birth; you will most likely have to wait several weeks for that to happen.
Your Pregnancy Week 35
What is happening with your baby when you are 35 weeks pregnant?4,5
- Your baby is now curled up in the uterus, its legs bent up to their chest.
- There's not much area for them to move around, but they'll still shift positions, so you'll feel them and see them on the surface of your bump.
How big is your baby?
- Your baby is approximately the height of two bananas and the weight of a honeydew melon.6
Your Body4
- You'll probably need to take it easier because the extra weight makes you fatigued and may induce backache.
Your Pregnancy Week 36
What is happening with your baby when you are 35 weeks pregnant?7,8
- Your baby's lungs are fully grown by 36 weeks and are ready to take their first breath after birth.
- If your baby is born now, its digestive system will be fully developed, and they will be able to feed.
How big is your baby?
Your baby is approximately the size of a romaine lettuce and the weight of a small turkey.9
Your Body7
- You may notice a tightening sensation in your lower belly from time to time starting now.
- It's an indication that labor is started when your contractions get longer, stronger, and more frequent.
- When your contractions come in a regular pattern, lasting at least 60 seconds and lasting every 5 minutes, call your doctor. or the hospital.
- Keeping track of how long your contractions last and when they occur can help you tell your doctor when you call.
Tips for Tips for making your pregnancy better
Here's a brief test to see if you're prepared for the big day...9
- Is your hospital bag ready for the birth?
- Would you have all the phone numbers you need to be punched into your phone or in your handbag if you went into labor right now?
- Do you know where your medical records are and what your hospital identification number is?
- If you can say yes, yes, and yes, then congratulations on being so organized; keep doing what you're doing! If you responded "no" to any of the above questions, it's time to get organized!
- NHS You and your baby at 34 weeks pregnant. Page last reviewed: 13.10.2021. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- Nemours KidsHealth. Parents: Week 34. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- NHS. Start 4 life. Week-by-week guide to pregnancy. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- NHS You and your baby at 35 weeks pregnant. Page last reviewed: 13.10.2021. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- Nemours KidsHealth. Parents: Week 35. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- NHS. Start 4 life. Week-by-week guide to pregnancy. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- NHS You and your baby at 35 weeks pregnant. Page last reviewed: 13.10.2021. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- Nemours KidsHealth. Parents: Week 36. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021
- NHS. Start 4 life. Week-by-week guide to pregnancy. Available at: Last accessed at: 14.11.2021