Third Trimester Tips & Baby's Motor Development
As your due date approaches, you'll start to feel the need to organise and prepare for baby's arrival - referred to as 'nesting'. Your motherly instincts are already starting to kick in! It can be a challenging (and uncomfortable) period as your bump continues to grow, but keeping yourself as physically and mentally healthy as possible is key.
Week by week
Pregnancy Weeks 28 & 29
Welcome to the third trimester! Pregnancy is divided into three stages, known as trimesters... and you're now in the third. You'll probably start to feel a little more uncomfortable and tired in the coming weeks.
Pregnancy Weeks 30 & 31
It may be difficult to believe, but you are almost there! You're unlikely to go beyond another 9 or 10 weeks. You could have your baby in as little as 6 weeks and it would not be considered premature.
Pregnancy Weeks 32 & 33
When your bump grows large, it's normal to start waddling. That's your body's way of compensating for carrying all that extra weight in the beginning.
Pregnancy Weeks 34, 35 & 36
Remember to eat well, exercise gently, treat yourself with kindness, and relax when you can. Also, don't forget to keep your antenatal visits; they're crucial for both you and the baby, and will ensure that everything is running well on the big day.
Pregnancy Weeks 37-38
Your baby could arrive at any time–and it would not be considered 'early.' Your baby is now 'full-term,' which means he or she is likely to be big and mature enough to survive in the outside world. However, you may still have to wait a few weeks.
Pregnancy Weeks 39 & 40
Pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks, with most women going into labor a week before or after their due date. That means it could happen at any time! The wait is almost over. You'll be able to meet your baby in a matter of days. It's been a long road, but the real adventure begins when your child is born.