Second Trimester Tips & Developmental Milestones
Your nausea may be slowly subsiding, you're feeling more energetic - a lot of women refer to this trimester as being the 'best' of the three. Even though you're more visibly pregnant, you're still able to move around (fairly) normally. Doctors visits will increase during this trimester, so get those questions ready!
Week by week
Pregnancy Weeks 15-16
Discover the highlights of Pregnancy Week 15 & 16. Check recommendations to follow & keep track of your pregnancy and your baby development with Wyeth Nutrition
Pregnancy Week 17 & 18
Discover the highlights of Pregnancy Week 17 & 18. Check recommendations to follow & keep track of your pregnancy and your baby development with Wyeth Nutrition
Pregnancy Weeks 19-20
You may be feeling less active and tired because of a lack of sleep or carrying extra weight. Tempting though it is to stay on the couch, get out there and get some exercise, but don't overdo it.
Pregnancy Week 21 & 22
You'll be entering a phase of rapid growth as you enter the second half of your pregnancy. Your baby is preparing for life outside the womb by developing important skills such as sucking and breathing.
Pregnancy Weeks 23-24
Week by week, as your baby prepares for life outside the womb, you're reaching new milestones in your pregnancy. Your infant is practicing breathing and establishing sleeping and waking patterns around this period.
Pregnancy Weeks 25, 26, & 27
Physically and emotionally, pregnancy can be exhausting. For you and your partner, the pregnant journey might feel like an emotional roller coaster at times. Keep talking to each other; being honest about your feelings might make you both feel more supported.