31 month old toddler development

31 Month Old Milestones - Tracking Your Child's Development

31 Month Old Milestones - Tracking Your Child's Development

1-2-3 Years Milestones
Feb 21, 2022

Asses your 31 month old toddler's growth development from physical characteristics to visual & motor development along with social and emotional behaviors.

By the end of the thirty-first month, your toddler will probably:

Mental Development of 31 month old child

  • Play make-believe with common household objects
  • Carry on a conversation consisting of 2 or 3 sentences
  • Use prepositions

Visual Development of 31 month old child

  • Visually explore and steer his own walking and climbing

Growth of 31 month old child

  • Weigh about 13.1 kg (girl) or about 13.6 kg (boy)
  • Be about 91.5 cm in height (girl) or about 92.5 cm in height (boy)

Motor Development of 31 month old child

  • Like to make music with real or homemade instruments
  • Make a sequence of small marks with pencil on paper to pretend he is writing
  • Be able to kick a ball a short distance

Social and Emotional Development of 31 month old child

  • Need to try both options before choosing when making a decision
  • Be likely to have a temper tantrum if forced into a course of behavior
  • Be more cooperative if he learns that you are going to be firm with him
  • Prefer same-sex playmates

Toddler Development Tracker details are provided to give indications on the expected changes during different months, however, these changes varies from child to child and the mother needs to consult her child's doctor, if she has any concerns.