33 Month Old Milestones
Asses your 33 month old toddler's growth development from physical characteristics to visual & motor development along with social and emotional behaviors.
By the end of the thirty-third month, your toddler will probably:
Mental Development of 33 month old child
- Be able to concentrate on a task for a short period of time
- Know size differences and be able to select the "big" ball or the "little" ball
- Understand basic cause-and-effect relationships
- Refer to himself using the word "I"
- Recite several nursery rhymes
Visual Development of 33 month old child
- Have improved eye-hand coordination, enabling him to better control a crayon and keep most coloring on the paper
Growth of 33 month old child
- Weigh about 13.4 kg (girl) or about 13.9 kg (boy)
- Be about 93 cm in height (girl) or about 94 cm in height (boy)
Motor Development of 33 month old child
- Build a tower of 8 blocks
- Balance on each foot for 1 second
- Be able to mix ingredients and perform other simple food preparation tasks with supervision
Social and Emotional Development of 33 month old child
- Be just starting to learn how to share possessions with others
- Mimic adult behavior when asked to show feelings such as anger or happiness
- Have an imaginary friend
Toddler Development Tracker details are provided to give indications on the expected changes during different months, however, these changes varies from child to child and the mother needs to consult her child's doctor, if she has any concerns.
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