34 month old toddler development

34 month old toddler development

34 month old toddler development

1-2-3 Years Milestones
Feb 21, 2022

Asses your 34 month old toddler's growth development from physical characteristics to visual & motor development along with social and emotional behaviors.

By the end of the thirty-fourth month, your toddler will probably:

Mental Development of 34 month old child

  • Remember past events
  • Use her imagination in a wide range of roles, for example to play house, doctor, or store
  • Start to understand the concept of opposites
  • Make most of her words understandable to a stranger
  • Use the pronouns "I," "me," and "you"

Visual Development of 34 month old child

  • Have improved eye-hand coordination, enabling her to better control a crayon and keep most coloring on the paper

Growth of 34 month old child

  • Weigh about 13.6 kg (girl) or about 14.0 kg (boy)
  • Be about 93.5 cm in height (girl) or about 94.5 cm in height (boy)

Motor Development of 34 month old child

  • Be able to pedal a tricycle
  • Run and climb well
  • Bend over easily without falling
  • Turn book pages one at a time
  • Make vertical, horizontal, and circular strokes with a pencil or crayon

Social and Emotional Development of 34 month old child

  • Start to play more with other children
  • Be bossy or demanding when practicing social skills duing play with others
  • Start to demonstrate empathy for other children
  • Be less demanding of her parents because she can do so many things on her own

Toddler Development Tracker details are provided to give indications on the expected changes during different months, however, these changes varies from child to child and the mother needs to consult her child's doctor, if she has any concerns.