Communicating with your baby

Communicating with your baby

You may be fluent in two or three languages, but get ready to learn Baby Talk, a language that will be fun to learn, though very very frustrating at times.


PLAYING: Communicating with your baby

3 min read

You may be fluent in two or three languages, but get ready to learn Baby Talk, a language that will be fun to learn, though very very frustrating at times. From the moment your baby is born, she will try to communicate with you in various ways. With time, you’ll start picking up on what sounds mean, and soon enough, you’ll be fluent in Baby Talk.

Here are some tips to help you out:

Smile: Very early on, your baby can absorb emotional tone, and smiling at her when she’s cooing or gurgling encourages early attempts at communication. One of the most rewarding early experiences you’ll go through is when she finally smiles back at you.

Imitate: Your baby needs to know that communication is a two-way street. Imitate her and she’ll understand the concept of conversations and she’ll pick up on the fact that you’re responding to her cooing.

Keep talking: Spend time explaining things to your baby, like when you’re getting her dressed or giving her a bath. Just talking to her helps her pick up on sounds that she will later repeat, until she can formulate words herself.

Use your hands: Babies communicate with gestures, so you should do the same. Animate what you say by using hand gestures.

Give her the time of day: If you feel like your bay is trying to communicate with you, engage her. Respond to her cooing, smiles, and gurgles. Make her understand that you are there for her.



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