Wyeth Nutrition - Providing Essential Nutrients for Children
Key Milestones
Communicating with your baby
You may be fluent in two or three languages, but get ready to learn Baby Talk, a language that will be fun to learn, though very very frustrating at times.
(Not) Running With Scissors
Using scissors can seem quite challenging for a toddler with small hands.
Avoiding Having A Bully At Home
Bullying is a serious problem nowadays, and it can be shocking and upsetting to find out that your child may have bullied someone at school.
Exercise During Pregnancy
It is okay to continue or begin regular physical activity if you are healthy and your pregnancy is normal.
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Nurturing Imagination
Child development experts now recognize that importance of imagination and the role it plays in understanding reality.
Making Friends As A Pre-Schooler
Now that your child is a pre-schooler, making friends is an important part of her development.
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How do children develop cognition?
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Grown Up Games
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Grammar 101: Developing Language Skills
When your child is 3 to 5 years old, her language skills are developing incredibly fast.
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Bridging Minds to Stimulate Brain Development of Your Child
Bridging minds is about being able to get out of your own thoughts, to recognize and respond to what is going on in your child’s head.
Bonding With Dad
For the first three years, your child will show preference for you over his father, and that can make you feel bad and can make the father seem like he’s not welcome.
(Not) Running With Scissors
Using scissors can seem quite challenging for a toddler with small hands.
From Sitting to Standing: The Path To Walking
Crawling is your baby’s first way of getting around all alone.
Growing Bones
Kids spend their time thinking about growing, without realizing that they are growing every single day, before your loving eyes.
Getting Ready For His First Step
Pretty soon, your child will be running around the house, as he learns how to walk and then run.
When child won’t eat
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Toddler’s Appetite
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Pregnancy Health Check-Ups
Explore everything you need to know about the appropriate time to visit the pediatric and when to do so. Click here to learn more!
Toddler Eye Care & Vision
Discover every detail about your toddler's vision. Learn more about warning signs you need to pay attention to in order to prevent future issues. Click here.
Family Portraits: Understanding Your Child’s Drawings
Your new artist will soon be coming home with lots of drawings, or you may find her sitting at home drawing all the time.
Understanding Developing Motor Skills
Your child is constantly going through changes, and now that he’s a bit older, his fine and gross motor skills are coming together.
The Importance of Shapes
You’re probably no longer conscious of it, but our brain categorizes everything around us based on shape and color.
Benefits of Climbing
Your kids have a ton of energy, and finding ways to channel that energy in ways that can be good for them is sometimes difficult.
Swinging Time
Swinging strengthens your child’s core and helps with the development of balance.
Stretching Muscles and Exercising
For adults, exercise is mostly thought of as working out in a gym, running on a treadmill, or lifting weights.
Managing Mood Swings
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